
iPhone restore error This device isn't eligible for the requested build

Your problems are entirely on Apple's end. The message indicates that Apple no longer signing that version of software.

IPAD wont restore This device isn't elig…

You need to upgrade the computer to Mac OS X 10.6, which requires that it have an Intel CPU and at least 1GB of RAM.

Unable to fetch tss for Rose (This device isn't eligible for the ...

TSS server returned: STATUS=94&MESSAGE=This device isn't eligible for the requested build. and i'm searching for solution to fix it do you find ...

STATUS=94&MESSAGE=This device isn't eligible for the requested ...

ERROR: TSS request failed (status=94, message=This device isn't eligible for the requested build.) I've downloaded the latest version of the ...

This device isn't eligible for the requested build

This device isn't eligible for the requested build · I got a similar error when trying to update an older 3G to 4.x+. It may be incompatible.

This device isn't eligible for the requested build while trying to ...

I had the same issue and found the answer on the Apple dev forum. The trick is to download and install beta 3 first and then update OTA ...

If you see Error 3194, Error 1109, or other network connectivity ...

If you see one of these messages and need help updating or restoring your iOS or iPadOS device, make sure your Mac is up-to-date.

Mac iTunes解決「This device isn't eligible for the requested build」

這是一個iOS 在更新時常見的3194 錯誤。在嘗試更新或回復 iPhone 、 iPad 或iPod touch 時, iTunes 可能顯示的錯誤訊息。 原因.

How to fix 'This device isn't eligible for the requested build', Error 3194

Make sure your internet connection is working properly. On Mac, open System Preferences, then Network, and check your chosen connection options ...

How To Fix 'This Device Isn't Eligible For The Requested Build' Error

6 Methods To Fix Device Isn't Eligible For The Requested Build · Method 1: Update iTunes · Method 2: Check The Internet and Router · Method 3: ...


YourproblemsareentirelyonApple'send.ThemessageindicatesthatApplenolongersigningthatversionofsoftware.,YouneedtoupgradethecomputertoMacOSX10.6,whichrequiresthatithaveanIntelCPUandatleast1GBofRAM.,TSSserverreturned:STATUS=94&MESSAGE=Thisdeviceisn'teligiblefortherequestedbuild.andi'msearchingforsolutiontofixitdoyoufind ...,ERROR:TSSrequestfailed(status=94,message=Thisdeviceisn'teligibleforthe...